姓名: |
李东波 |
职称: |
教授 |
职务: |
理学院副院长 |
导师类别: |
博士研究生/ 硕士研究生导师 |
邮箱: |
ldb@xauat.edu.cn |
研究方向: |
1.古建筑加固与保护 2.微纳米力学 3.纳米水泥基材料 |
(1) 2018-02至2021-12,西安建筑科技大学,建筑技术科学,博士后;
(2) 2009-09至2014-07,西安建筑科技大学,现代结构理论,博士;
(3) 2007-09至2010-12,西安建筑科技大学,工程力学,硕士;
(4) 2001-09至2005-12,西安建筑科技大学,工程力学,学士。
(1) 2022-01至今,西安建筑科技大学,教授;
(2) 2015-04至2016-04,美国俄亥俄州立大学,访问学者;
(3) 2017-01至2022-01,西安建筑科技大学,副教授;
(4) 2011-12至2016-12,西安建筑科技大学,讲师。
近 5 年科研项目:
(8)主持,陕西省博士后基金, 陕南传统生土建筑抗震构造经验的理论化研究;
近 5 年代表性论著:
(1) Liu Qinlong, Lu Wei, Zhu Jing, Qi Qinde, Li Guangzhou, Li Dongbo(通讯). Nano-scale mechanics of coarse-grained CSH with molecular dynamics. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 400: 132494.
(2) Li Dongbo, Zhu Jing, Liu Qinlong, Qi Qinde, Bai Zhentao.Degradation of thermal stability and micromechanical properties of the C–S–H phase induced by ultra-confined water at elevated temperatures. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2023, 25: 33064-33080.
(3) Li Dongbo, Li Guangzhou, Bai Zhentao, Han Zongfang, Lu Wei. Deformation and failure processes of Na-montmorillonite under uniaxial compressive strain condition via molecular dynamic method. Materials Today Communications, 2023, 35: 106132.
(4) Bai Zhentao, Li Dongbo(通讯), Zhao Dong, Lu Wei, Liu Jiaping. Experimental Research on Collapsibility of Xi’an Loess Improved by Calcium Lignosulfonate. Coatings, 2023, 13(1): 157.
(5) Li Dongbo, Qi Qinde, Liu Qinlong, Zhu Jing, Bai Zhentao. Uniaxial tensile study of calcium aluminosilicate hydrate (CASH): Structure, dynamics and mechanical properties. Materials Today Communications, 2024, 38: 107854.
(6) Li Dongbo, Liu Yongkun, Liu Qinlong. Study on Interface Mechanical Properties of Graphene/Copper Matrix Composites. Applied Sciences, 2023, 13(6): 3559.
(7) Li Dongbo, Jiaqi Yan, Jingbo Chen, Shuang Lu. Magnetically-Induced Flexoelectric Effects in the Second-order Extension of a Composite Fiber with Piezomagnetic and Flexoelectric Layers. International journal of applied mechanics, 2021(9): 501-518.
(8) Li Dongbo, Lei Pengbo, Zhang Hongchi, Liu Jiaping, Lu Wei. Co-Effects of Graphene Oxide and Cement on Geotechnical Properties of Loess. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering,2021(2):1-12.
(9) Li Dongbo, Zhang Hongchi, Lei Pengbo, Liu Jiapin, ZhaoDong. Synergistic effect of fly ash and graphene oxide on the workability, mechanical properties of cement-based materials. Science of advanced materials.11(11):1647-1655.
(11)Wei Lu, Kai Luo, Chengqiang Liu, Haolang Sun, Dongbo Li(通讯作者). Revamp of the eco-friendly grouting materials by mixing basalt fiber for earthen sites conservation: Compressive performance and constitutive models. Construction and Building Materials,448(2024):138234.
(12)Haolang Sun, Wei Lu, Dong Zhao, Dongbo Li(通讯作者).Analytical Method for Interfacial Slip Failure Processes Based on UFL Bond-Slip Model: Study of Grout/Soil Anchorage Interfaces in Earthen Sites.Computers and Geotechnics,176 (2024) 106778.
(1) 宝钢优秀教师奖;
(2) 陕西省中青年科技创新领军人才;
(3) 全国第五届青年教师教学竞赛三等奖;
(4) 省第四届青年教师教学竞赛一等奖;
(5) 中国力学学会优秀指导教师;
(6) 陕西省 2022 年度高等学校科技进步一等奖(第一完成人);
(7) 西安建筑科技大学 2021 年科技进步一等奖(第一完成人);
(8) 西安建筑科技大学 2019 年自然科学二等奖(第一完成人);
(9) 校雁塔优秀青年学者;
(10) 校第十六届青年教师教学竞赛一等奖;
(11) 优秀主讲教师,青年教师标兵,教坛新秀,优秀班主任,优秀共产党员。