姓名: |
魏玮 |
职称: |
讲师 |
职务: |
导师类别: |
硕士研究生导师 |
邮箱: |
weiwei86@xauat.edu.cn |
研究方向: |
混凝土循环利用 |
2016.09-2020.12 西安建筑科技大学 岩土工程 博士
2014.09-2015.12 香港大学 工程建造与管理 硕士
2010.09-2014.06 西安建筑科技大学 土木工程 学士
2021.03至今 西安建筑科技大学 理学院 讲师
[1]国家自然科学基金青年项目 (No.12202333)
[3] 中国博士后科学基金面上资助 (No. 2021MD703868)
[4] 2023年陕西省科协青年人才托举计划 (No. 20230516)
[5] 工程材料与结构冲击振动四川省重点实验室开放基金 (No. 2022kfgk08)
[1]Wei W, Shao Z*, Zhang Y, et al. Fundamentals and applications of microwave energy in rock and concrete processing-a review. Applied Thermal Engineering, 157 (2019) 113751. (中科院SCI一区TOP,IF=6.4)
[2]Wei W, Shao Z*, Qiao R, et al. Recent development of microwave applications for concrete treatment. Construction and Building Materials, 269 (1) (2021) 121224 (中科院SCI一区TOP,IF=7.4)
[3]Wei W, Shao Z*, Chen W, et al. Experimental study on thermal and mechanical behavior of mortar-aggregate under microwave irradiation. Journal of Building Engineering, 34 (2021) 101947. (中科院SCI二区TOP,IF=6.4)
[4]邵珠山,魏玮,陈文文,郜介璞,袁媛.微波加热岩石与混凝土的研究进展与工程应用.工程力学, 37(05) (2020) 140-155+165.
[5]Wei W, Shao Z*, Chen W, et al. A Fully Coupled Electromagnetic Irradiation, Heat and Mass Transfer Model of Microwave Heating on Concrete. IEEE Access, 9 (2021) 1575-1589 (中科院SCI三区,IF=3.9)
[6]Wei W, Shao Z*, Qiao R, et al., Workability and mechanical properties of microwave heating for recovering high quality aggregate from concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 276 (2021) 122237 (中科院SCI一区TOP,IF=7.4)
[7]Wei W, Shao Z*, Zhang P, et al., Thermally assisted liberation of concrete and aggregate recycling: A comparison between microwave and conventional heating, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 33(12) (2021) 04021370 (中科院SCI三区,IF=3.2)
[8]Wei W, Shao Z*, Zhang P, et al., Experimental assessment of microwave heating assisted aggregate recycling from dried and saturated concrete. Materials and Structures. 54(142) (2021) (中科院SCI三区,IF=3.8)
[9]Wei W, Shao Z*, Chen W, et al. Heating process and damage evolution of microwave absorption and transparency materials under microwave irradiation. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources. 7:86 (2021) (中科院SCI二区,IF=5.0)
[10]魏玮, 张宏亮, 邵珠山, 江岩松, 微波和传统加热下混凝土劈裂抗拉性能分析, 工程力学,2023
Wei W, Qiao R, Jiang Y, et al., Theoretical investigation of microwave heating on double-layer concrete cylindrical. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, (2024) (中科院SCI二区,IF=5.0)